Parenting is not easy, and sometimes it helps to laugh at the challenges and joys of raising kids. Some celebrities have mastered the art of tweeting funny and relatable anecdotes about their experiences as parents, and we can’t get enough of them. Here are some of the best celebrity tweets about parenting that are just too real1:

  • Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds): “My daughter loves being buried up to her neck in sand at the beach. Her little face lights up when I come back to get her the next day.”

  • Chrissy Teigen (@chrissyteigen): “I always have a note in my pocket that says ‘john did it’ just in case I’m murdered because I don’t want him to remarry #truelove #tips”

  • Jimmy Fallon (@jimmyfallon): “My 3 year old daughter just asked me why I have hair on my arms and not on my head. So now I’m interviewing nannies.”

  • Anna Faris (@AnnaKFaris): “4: ‘Mommy, why do you have a mustache?’ Me: ‘I don’t have a mustache!’ 4: ‘Yes you do. It’s right there.’ Me: cries in the car

  • Kelly Clarkson (@kellyclarkson): “My daughter just asked me what a magazine is … I’m officially old.”

  • Kevin Hart (@KevinHart4real): “My son put lotion on his hands & then tried to climb up the stairs … He looked like a baby deer learning how to walk for the first time.”

  • Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling): “Sometimes I’ll be sitting with my friends and I’ll get a text from an unknown number that says ‘I farted’ and I have to write back ‘Is this Leo or Kit?’”

  • Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow): “Portia and I are starting a family. We’re getting chickens.

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