Fast breakfast
  1. Omelets – Whisk together eggs, milk, and seasonings, then cook in a pan with your favorite fillings such as cheese, vegetables, and meats.
  2. Pasta with sauce – Cook pasta according to package instructions, then top with a ready-made or homemade sauce of your choice, such as marinara, alfredo, or pesto.
  3. Sandwiches – Choose your favorite bread, meats, cheeses, and spreads to create a quick and easy sandwich.
  4. Salad – Chop and mix your favorite greens, vegetables, fruits, and protein sources to create a quick and healthy salad.
  5. Rice and beans – Cook rice and beans together or separately, then add seasonings and toppings of your choice.
  6. Soup – Simmer together broth, vegetables, and seasonings to create a warm and comforting soup.
  7. Stir-fry – Cook bite-sized pieces of protein and vegetables in a pan with oil and your favorite stir-fry sauce.
  8. Smoothie – Blend together your favorite fruits, milk or yogurt, and sweeteners to create a healthy and refreshing smoothie.

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