Cannabis is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, with legal sales reaching a record of $17.5 billion in 2020 in the US alone, according to Forbes. More and more Americans are consuming cannabis for medical or recreational purposes, creating a huge demand and opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to enter this lucrative market.

However, starting a cannabis business in the US is not as simple as opening any other type of business. Cannabis is still illegal at the federal level, and each state has its own laws and regulations regarding its production, distribution, and consumption. Moreover, cannabis businesses face many challenges and risks, such as high taxes, banking restrictions, security issues, and competition.

If you are interested in starting a cannabis business in the US, you need to do your homework and prepare yourself for the legal, financial, and operational aspects of this industry. In this blog post, we will provide you with some basic information and tips on how to start a cannabis business in the US, including:

  • The types of cannabis businesses you can start
  • The best places to start a cannabis business in the US
  • The steps to start a cannabis business in the US
  • The resources and tools you can use to start a cannabis business in the US

What types of cannabis businesses can you start?

There are many types of cannabis businesses you can start in the US, depending on your skills, interests, budget, and goals. Some of the most common types of cannabis businesses are:

  • Cannabis cultivation: This involves growing cannabis plants either indoors or outdoors, using various methods and techniques. Cannabis cultivators need to obtain a license from the state and comply with strict regulations regarding quality, safety, security, and environmental impact. Cannabis cultivation can be very profitable but also very expensive and risky.
  • Cannabis processing: This involves extracting cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD) from cannabis plants and turning them into various products, such as oils, edibles, concentrates, or topicals. Cannabis processors need to obtain a license from the state and follow strict standards regarding quality, safety, labeling, and packaging. Cannabis processing can be very profitable but also very complex and technical.
  • Cannabis retail: This involves selling cannabis products to consumers either online or in physical stores (called dispensaries). Cannabis retailers need to obtain a license from the state and follow strict rules regarding inventory, taxation, security, and customer verification. Cannabis retail can be very profitable but also very competitive and regulated.
  • Cannabis delivery: This involves delivering cannabis products to consumers either on-demand or by subscription. Cannabis delivery services need to obtain a license from the state and follow strict guidelines regarding transportation, security, and customer verification. Cannabis delivery can be very convenient and profitable but also very challenging and risky.
  • Cannabis ancillary: This involves providing products or services that support the cannabis industry but do not directly touch the plant. Examples of cannabis ancillary businesses include software development, marketing, consulting, packaging, equipment, testing, education, media, etc. Cannabis ancillary businesses do not need a license from the state but may still face some legal or regulatory hurdles. Cannabis ancillary businesses can be very innovative and profitable but also very competitive and dynamic.

What are the best places to start a cannabis business in the US?

The best places to start a cannabis business in the US depend on several factors, such as:

  • The legal status of cannabis: Currently, 14 states allow adult-use (recreational) cannabis sales, 36 states allow medical cannabis sales, and 12 states prohibit any form of cannabis sales. You should check the legal status of cannabis in your chosen state before starting your business.
  • The market size and potential: Some states have larger and more established cannabis markets than others. You should research the market size and potential of your chosen state before starting your business. According to Crunchbase , some of the largest cannabis markets in the US are California ($3.5 billion), Colorado ($2.2 billion), Florida ($1.2 billion), Illinois ($1 billion), Oregon ($1.1 billion), etc.
  • The competition and saturation: Some states have more competition and saturation than others. You should analyze the competition and saturation of your chosen state before starting your business. According to Canna Tech Today , some of the most competitive states for cannabis businesses are California , Colorado , Oregon , Washington , etc.
  • The taxes and fees: Some states have higher taxes and fees than others for cannabis businesses. You should compare the taxes and fees of your chosen state before starting your business. According to Appinventiv , some of the states with the highest taxes for cannabis businesses are California (15% excise tax + 7.25% sales tax + local taxes), Washington (37% excise tax), Nevada (15% excise tax + 10% sales tax), etc.
  • The regulations and compliance: Some states have stricter regulations and compliance than others for cannabis businesses. You should review the regulations and compliance of your chosen state before starting your business. According to Wikipedia , some of the states with the strictest regulations for cannabis businesses are New York , Massachusetts , Pennsylvania , etc.

What are the steps to start a cannabis business in the US?

The steps to start a cannabis business in the US vary depending on the type of business, the state, and the local jurisdiction. However, some of the general steps are:

  • Choose your business type and name: You should decide what type of cannabis business you want to start and choose a suitable name for it. You should also check the availability and legality of your chosen name and register it with the state and local authorities.
  • Create your business plan and budget: You should create a detailed business plan and budget for your cannabis business, outlining your goals, strategies, operations, marketing, finances, etc. You should also seek professional advice from lawyers, accountants, consultants, etc. if needed.
  • Obtain your licenses and permits: You should obtain all the necessary licenses and permits from the state and local authorities to operate your cannabis business legally. You should also comply with all the rules and regulations regarding quality, safety, security, taxation, etc.
  • Secure your location and equipment: You should secure a suitable location and equipment for your cannabis business, depending on your business type. You should also ensure that your location and equipment meet all the legal and technical requirements.
  • Hire and train your staff: You should hire and train qualified and reliable staff for your cannabis business, depending on your business type. You should also ensure that your staff meet all the legal and ethical standards.
  • Launch and market your business: You should launch and market your cannabis business to attract and retain customers. You should also monitor and evaluate your business performance and make adjustments as needed.

What are some resources and tools you can use to start a cannabis business in the US?

There are many resources and tools you can use to start a cannabis business in the US, such as:

  • National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE): This is an organization that creates standardized examination components for the bar exam in most states. You can find information about the bar exam components, study guides, sample questions, past exams, etc. on their website.
  • Board of Bar Examiners: This is an agency or board that administers the bar exam in each state or territory. You can find information about the eligibility requirements, application process, fees, dates, locations, etc. for the bar exam in your jurisdiction on their website.
  • Bar Review Courses: These are commercial courses or programs that offer comprehensive preparation for the bar exam. You can find various options for online or in-person bar review courses that cover all or some of the bar exam components on their websites.
  • Bar Prep Hero: This is a website that offers free MBE practice questions for the bar exam. You can find 50 free MBE practice questions on their website.
  • Bar Exam Tutor: This is a person or service that offers personalized guidance and feedback for the bar exam. You can find various options for online or in-person bar exam tutors on their websites or platforms.


Starting a cannabis business in the US can be a rewarding and profitable venture if you do it right. However, it can also be a challenging and risky endeavor if you do it wrong. Therefore, you need to do your research, plan ahead, follow the rules, and seek help when needed.

We hope this blog post has given you some useful information and tips on how to start a cannabis business in the US. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We wish you all the best in your cannabis business journey!

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